Climate change adaptation
The effects of climate change confront our society with multifaceted challenges. An essential aspect hereof are adaptation measures that seem inevitable in the present state of knowledge. Projects of the Chair for Landscape Management examine climate change impacts and climate change-induced adaptation strategies on recent and future landscapes and work on concepts for climate change adaptation and land use under changing environmental conditions.
Completed projects:
- Regional and local options of adaptation to climate change for forests in Rhineland Palatine
- Establishment of a regional monitoring program of consequences of the climate change and measures of adaptation in the model region Freiburg
- Outdoor Recreation Destinations as Model Regions for Adaption to Climate Change and Protecting Biodiversity
- Effects from climate change on common beech and sessile oak forests within the Biosphere reserve Pfälzerwald - Vosges-du-Nord
- The protection of forests under global biodiversity and climate policy
- Development of a concept for the monitoring of effects of climate change and adaptation measures in a case study area in the federal state of Baden-Württemberg
- Forests and climate change: Future strategies for protection and sustainable use
- KlimLandRP - Climate and landscape change in Rhineland-Palatinate: Use, care and conservation of forests - Options for adaptions to climate change