Dreisam plain

Water bodies in the Dreisam plain by the Kaiserstuhl – Project to combine cultural landscape, environmental education and gentle tourism


To date the topic of water has at best been treated as a marginal issue in PLENUM measures and projects. As a ubiquitous medium, the topic is of enormous relevance, particularly for the communities of the eastern and southern edges of the Kaiserstuhl, the territories of which cover both the Kaiserstuhl Naturraum (a German ‘Naturraum’ is roughly equivalent to a ‘biogeographical province’) and the Dreisam plain Naturraum. The common element binding the communities is the network of water bodies.

It is for this reason that the communities involved (Riegel, Bahlingen, Teningen/Nimburg, Eichstetten, Bötzingen, March, Gottenheim, Merdingen, Ihringen) want to develop the theme water and water bodies for their inhabitants and tourists. The individual issues are presented to the different target groups using various media. To promote a better awareness of the region and its history, teaching modules are to be developed for schools and a corresponding teacher training course implemented. In this way the connection to the surrounding landscape and the engagement necessary for its preservation are to be aroused in schoolchildren from an early age.

Through a layered approach, the significance for the region of water bodies will be imparted to tourists to the region, particularly cyclists. A brochure with maps, text and illustrations will be developed for this purpose. The existing tourist guide concept will be supplemented with suitable documentation relating to the water bodies in the region. Detailed information can finally be obtained from a pocket guidebook entitled ‘Wasserwanderwege’ (water hiking trails). This guidebook is intended for an audience with a particular interest in the theme, and in it the individual topics will be presented in greater depth.

The final building block in the project is the educating of water guides in the Dreisam plain. The programme is intended for people from the region with an interest in the water bodies theme and who would be prepared to host special water tours upon completion of the course.



August 2008 - December 2009


a project within the frame of Plenum Naturgarten Kaiserstuhl


Prof. Dr. Werner Konold


Sabine Schellberg


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