System-based thinking in the treatment of nature as an element of education for sustainable development (SYSDENA)



The significance of the capacity to solve problems in complex systems was recognised as a central objective of education early on and, in an increasingly connected world, it continues to grow in importance. This renders it all the more surprising to discover, therefore, that in the last 25 years there have been virtually no teaching concepts promoting system-based thinking developed.

As part of the ‘System-based thinking in the treatment of nature as an element of education for sustainable development’ (SYSDENA) project a pedagogical intervention programme will be developed. This will occur as the result of close cooperation between educational institutions (Naturschule Ortenau, Naturschutzzentrum Ruhestein, Vogtsbauernhöfe and Schulamt Offenburg) and two research institutes (PH Freiburg, University of Freiburg). With the aid of this programme, the capacity of schoolchildren for system-based thinking in relation to sustainable development will be nurtured.

As part of the educational programme developed, pupils will learn through practical and theoretical encounters with the forest not only the numerous aspects of nature conservation, but will be put in a position where they are capable of structuring and modelling the complexity inherent within the theme. The pupils should be able to perceive, quantify and to handle creatively the complexity of the issue of nature conservation in its manifold interactions with ecological, economic and social interests.

The contents and the methods of the system-based thinking in the treatment of nature teaching module will be prepared in such a way that they may also be applied in other nature conservation facilities, and also in regular school classes, and so that the transfer of the module to other thematic areas related to sustainable development can be achieved with ease.



October 2008 - October 2011


Stiftung Naturschutzfond Baden Württemberg
Stiftung Landesbank Baden-Württemberg (LBBW)
Ministerium für Kultus, Jugend und Sport Baden-Württemberg


Sebastian Schwab


Prof. Dr. Werner Konold


Pädagogische Hochschule Freiburg (Abt. Biologie; Institut für Psychologie)
Naturschutzzentrum Ruhestein
Naturschule Ortenau



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