REDD+ Ecuador

Possibilities and challenges for biodiversity assessment in the national
REDD+ strategy of Ecuador


Ecuador has experienced declines in the forest cover, mainly due to land use changes. In this context, the Ministry of the Environment of Ecuador is currently working on the design of the national strategy for ‘reducing emissions from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries’ (REDD+).

The goal of this study is to determine the possibilities and challenges for biodiversity assessment under the national REDD+ strategy of Ecuador. In this respect, the study has two main objectives: (1) define the biodiversity indicators that are relevant for REDD+ with the help of expert interviews, and (2) test the indicators in a case study in southern Ecuador. Expert interviews (n = 21) with the main actors involved in the national REDD+ strategy were carried out in Ecuador. Additionally, information is being gathered through literature review and analysis of existing databases.

First results from the expert interviews highlight that the biodiversity indicators most frequently used by the researchers are based on species inventories (e.g. number of species, presence/ absence species). Additionally, those experts have identified the main constraints for biodiversity monitoring in Ecuador as problems related to the lack of information and methodologies, economic resources, human resources and political support. Based on the results a framework for biodiversity assessment will be developed for the case study that is expected to show how relatively simple biodiversity indicators can be used for biodiversity monitoring and land use planning under REDD+. Finally, the study will give recommendations for biodiversity assessment and monitoring within the strategy REDD+ of Ecuador.


Project duration:

2011 - 2012


Alexander von Humboldt - International Climate Protection Fellowship


Jeaneth Delgado


Dr. Christine Schmitt


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