Jeaneth Delgado

Engineer in Geography and Environmental Issues Jeaneth Delgado

Delgado Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg
Professur für Landespflege
Institut für Geo- und Umweltnaturwissenschaften
D-79085 Freiburg


Educational Background

2000 - 2006
Polytechnical University of the Army, Sangolquí-Ecuador - Geography and Environmental Issues Engineer
University of North Carolina, Galápagos-Ecuador - Training Course: Needs and Opportunities for investigation and management of natural resources
San Andrés Major University, La Paz-Bolivia - Advanced training course: Methods for modelling the distribution of species
International Centre for Science and High Technology, Trieste-Italy - Fellow -Area of Earth, Environmental and Marine Sciences and Technologies
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven-Belgium - Training initiative about Free and Open Source Geomatics tools
since 2011
Chair for Landscape Management of the University of Freiburg, Freiburg Germany. - Fellow of Alexander von Humboldt Foundation


Professional work experiences

2006 - 2007
Instructor/Consulting/ Voluntary work-Charles Darwin Foundation, Galápagos
Consultant - VVOB (the Flemish Association for Development and Technical Assistance - Kingdom of Belgium), Project PlanTel (Participative Spatial planning), Quito
Consultant -Tungurahua Council, Ambato
Coordinator of Historical Deforestation-Map Ministry of Ecuador, Quito


Research and outreach interests



PERALVO M. & DELGADO J. (2010): The methodology for generation of Historical Deforestation Map. Ministry of Environment and CONDESAN, Quito-Ecuador, pp. 28.

PLANTEL (2008), The high lands in the Commonwealth of southwestern Tungurahua. PLANTEL-PPA, Quito-Ecuador, pp. 34.


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