Coppice Forests

Multifunctionality of coppice forests in Rhineland-Palatinate: Aspects of nature conservation and tourism



In Rheinland-Pfalz there are around 160 000 ha of forest stemming from coppice management. These forests possess considerable value from a nature conservation perspective, and also a significant wood-producing potential. In part they are still used as coppice forests, mainly by traditional user associations, and in others tending measures are continued for nature conservation purposes. As a consequence of the increased demand for wood for energy in recent times, coppice management is becoming increasingly attractive as a means to produce firewood. Considerable uncertainties exist in relation to the suitable forms of management and their effects, however, particularly from a nature protection perspective. In the coppice forests allowed to develop for many years without further treatment, now mostly between 60-80 years of age, there is an urgent need for management interventions, as repeated failure to use the stands over the years is threatening to lead to a loss of the flora and fauna typical of coppice forests and also to stability problems (loss of capacity for sprouting as the stems have become too old).



  • Typing of the forest forms occurring today, taking into consideration site, past management and the current state on the basis of spatially explicit information systems
  • Identification and assessment of the local functionality in representative forests with the aid of terrestrial investigations and the use of available knowledge and experience
  • Determination of the biodiversity and the nature conservation value at the landscape and the stand level
  • Tourism studies: using the example of Burg Eltz and one or two other communities, concrete concepts for the integration of the coppice forests theme in the local tourism strategy will be formulated (conception of an educational nature trails, events, etc.).



The research will involve a review of the existing literature, a recording of stand structure, the inventory of dead wood and vegetation analyses in the spring and summer of 2009. The determination of the nature conservation value of the forests will occur at three levels (microsite, site, and stand level). The forests to be studied are situated along the River Mosle, the Oberen-Mittelrheintal (UNESCO World Heritage Site) and in Baumholder.

The tourism concepts for these three regions will be based on surveys of tourists, associations and town mayors.




Project Duration:

August 2008 - July 2011


Deutsche Bundesstiftung Umwelt (DBU)


Timea Helfrich


Prof. Dr. Werner Konold

Benutzerspezifische Werkzeuge